Colleges & Universities Special In Asia | November 2023 | Asia Education Review

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Colleges & Universities Special In Asia

Asia is home to a diverse range of colleges and universities, offering a wide array of educational opportunities. Asia's higher education landscape is incredibly diverse. It includes renowned institutions like the University of Tokyo and the National University of Singapore, as well as numerous smaller, specialized colleges. Many Asian universities are ranked among the top in the world. For instance, institutions in countries like Japan, China, South Korea, and Singapore consistently appear in global university rankings.   ...


Editor's Note


Incorporating Hands-On Learning To Unlock Student's Potential

Sumed Marwaha, Managing Director, Unisys


Increasing Global Exposure For Students Through Overseas Education

Amit Dasgupta, Inaugural India Country Director, UNSW


Nurturing The Academic Culture For Long Term Sustainability

Prof. Prakash Satyavageeswaran, Chairperson, Two-Year Mba Program, IIM Udaipur


Time To Innovate Teaching-Learning Strategies

Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph Fmm, Principal, Stella Maris College