By Asia Education Review Team , Saturday, 10 February 2024

UNESCO's Conference: Redefining Education with Culture and Arts

  • The International Theatre Institute (ITI) will be hosting the third UNESCO World Conference on Culture and Arts Education in Abu Dhabi from February 13 to 15, 2024. The focus of the events will be on sustainability and the preservation of cultural heritage in arts education. By registering, you can actively participate in the global dialogue aimed at shaping the future of arts and culture in education. As the sun sets over the desert city of Abu Dhabi, a platform is prepared for a worldwide assembly dedicated to redefining the role of culture and arts in education. This conference is anticipated to be a pivotal moment in integrating culture into the educational systems of UNESCO's member states.

    The International Theatre Institute (ITI), known for its extensive history of championing arts and culture, will be a vital contributor to the collective efforts shaping the future of education. The conference, centered on cultivating skills and competencies through culture and arts, strives to establish a contemporary framework aligning with the evolving needs and opportunities of society. Building upon the foundations laid in the previous conferences held in Lisbon, Portugal (2006) and Seoul, South Korea (2010), this third edition aspires to be a significant undertaking. In Abu Dhabi, culture and education ministers from across the globe will gather to endorse and implement the proposed framework. The conference is set to host not only ministers but also representatives from UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and UNESCO networks and partners in the domains of culture and education.

    Highlighting the fundamental significance of ITI's involvement in the conference, Tobias Biancone, the Director General of ITI, underscored its core emphasis on culture, the arts, and education. Biancone emphasized the pivotal role played by the ITI UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the global discourse, stating, "Our objective is to foster international exchange and collaboration within the performing arts, and this conference serves as a critical platform for advancing that mission."